
New Education Policy of India 2020

Last Updated by Dev 31-Jul-2020

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The Education Policy of India was dated to medieval times and it was not doing any good to students. Students were just passing from schools and colleges, and after that, they were just confused and had no idea what to do with their lives. The schools and colleges were just making clones of students like in a robot factory. Schools and Colleges were focused on one and one thing only and that is to impart the education from the books and the harsh truth is that they never even cared where the real talent of a student lies. Don’t presume it was their fault; it was the fault of the society and the fault of the Education policy of India.

Even during the age of the Mahabharat, the teachers were mainly focused on improving the quality and talents of their students and also providing the required education but in the current times, talent had no scope in colleges or schools.  Students were no more getting degrees but instead given certificates of participation for taking part in a program. Think of an Electrical Engineer who doesn’t even know how to handle the wiring of any electrical appliance.

There was a dire need to change the above to save the country’s future and Mr Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India made a panel of experts led by the ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) chief Mr K Kasturirangan to evaluate and come up with a better Education Policy. On 1st May, Mr Modi reviewed the New Education Policy 2020 drafted by the experts. On 29th July 2020, the Union Cabinet approved the policy. The main aim of this Education policy of 2020 will be to make “India a global knowledge superpower”.

New Education Policy 2020 Highlights

The key highlights related to the new education policy of India in 2020 are as follows: -

The old 10+2 system will be replaced with a 5+3+3+4 structure.

No more rigid division of streams.

The curriculum will be getting a new makeover.

Use of technology extensively for teaching.

360 Degree holistic Report cards.

Introduction to vocational education.

A single regulator for higher education.

University courses to have majors and minors.

Investments in Education raised from 1.7% to 6%.

NCC wings for schools.

Minimum qualification for teaching increased.

New provisions for disabled students.

Nutrition and health cards, regular health checkups for school students.

Common Entrance Test.

National Research Foundation (NRF) to be established.

Coding to be taught from Class sixth.

The Education Policy of India was released in 1986 and it took over 30 years to reconsider and more importantly change it. The old policy was solely focusing on providing education to the students, whatever your parents decided for you, you got to follow the plan without questioning your own abilities. That is the reason why India has so many Engineers and around 70% of them doesn’t even fit to be called Engineer because they even lack the basic knowledge required to be an Engineer.

However, the new National Education Policy of Government of India has the potential to give the proper direction to the students so that they can identify their true talent and strength and focus solely on that. To understand more about the New Education Policy of India 2020, let’s discuss every aspect of it and how it will affect the students.

The old 10+2 system will be replaced with a 5+3+3+4 structure.

What it means is that now there will be 4 stages to a school student’s life.

The first 5 years will be the foundation stage which will be up to class 2. The students below age 5 will be directed to Preparatory classes or “Balavatika” which will have an ECCE (Early childhood care and education) qualified teacher. The old Policy was never focused on the children of the age group of 3-6 as class 1st began at the age of 6 but with the introduction of this Balavatika, children will no more have to move from playschools to primary schools.

The next stage will be 3 Years of the preparatory stage from 3 to 5 classes. In this stage, the student will be prepared for the further classes and the development of key skills and their interests will take place here.

After that, the third stage will begin, 3 years from 6 to 8 classes. To prepare the students for future endeavours, the government has taken a very vital and important step which is to start coding teaching from class 6th. Bag-less days will be provided to the students to promote vocational learning and enrichment activities involving arts, quizzes, and sports.

Then the last and the most important stage, the 4 years of the secondary stage from 9th to 12th classes. In the older policy, the students were only focused to prepare for the board exams during this stage but not with the new policy. The new policy will reduce the importance and stress of the Board exams, the exams will be conducted twice a year and with two parts; Objective and descriptive. This is great news for the students as it will only promote knowledge application more than the rote learning which is dictating the society in the current times.

The medium of instruction until grade 5 will be home language/mother-tongue/local language or regional language which will not burden the students to learn English. In the first three stages, i.e from starting to 8th grade, exams will only be held for classes 3, 5, and 8 so the young students are not burdened with the pressure of exams and are solely focused on improving their key skills and talents.

Three languages which are needed to be learned by the students will be the choices of states, regions and of students, as long as two out of three languages are Native-Indian languages.

No more rigid division of streams.

After the 10th class, students have to choose between the Science, commerce or Arts stream and if one makes a mistake at that time, they will have to suffer their whole lives but it will not happen anymore as the new policy will allow students to choose whatever subjects they want to study. If a student wishes to learn and study Business studies with Physics and physical education as the other subjects, nobody will stop them. They can now study any subject they want.

The Curriculum will be getting a new makeover.

The curriculum related to the student studies will be reduced by removing unnecessary topics and it will be more directed towards the present times and standards.

Use of technology extensively for teaching.

The use of technology will be increased in student learning. A dedicated wing will be created solely focusing to look after the E-education needs of both schools and higher education so that the epidemics and pandemics can’t affect the education of the students. Tech-based options such as Online courses, e-books, apps, satellite-based TV channels, adult education centres will be developed which will allow students to study from home whenever they can’t reach their institutes.

360 Degree holistic Report cards.

One of the most beautiful aspects of the New Education policy of 2020. Now, your parents will not compare you to "Sharma Ji ka lakda", as the report cards will not only be about your marks, it will focus on other important aspects of learning like skills. The students who are not good and considered as a week student might turn out to be the brightest in their skills and hence their parents will support them and not beat them for their academics.

Introduction to vocational education.

The government is planning to achieve at least 50% of vocational learners by 2025. It basically means that students will be exposed to an internship during the schooling days and will be mentored by experts in their respective fields. Every student will have to learn one vocation and will be exposed to several others. The subjects will be carpentry, electrical work, metalwork, gardening and many more of the same kind which will be decided by the states and local communities. This will surely make the next generation “aatmnirbhar”.  They will no more have to wait for jobs if any recession comes, they can just start their own business or better every student will provide something to the community.

Single regulator for higher education.

There are three regulatory heads of education (CBSE, NCERT, and NCTE) in India in the current times but now they will all be replaced by one and only body that will be known as Higher Education Council of India (HECI).

University courses to have majors and minors.

Any student at the university level will now be able to choose a major subject like engineering and minor subjects like music, dance, fashion designing etc and learn those from professionals which will allow them to follow their dreams while studying the subject they opt for.

Common Entrance Test.

This has been the demand of the hour for a long time. Students have been asking for a common entrance for the admissions in the college. NTA (National Testing Agency) will conduct university entrance exams twice a year which will include one common aptitude for all and then a specialized subject exam in the different subjects.

Nutrition and health cards, regular health checkups for school students.

According to the new policy, every student will be issued a health and nutrition cards which will address the health meals and check-ups provided to students.

As we have already discussed the key highlights on the new policy, a few things got left behind. These things might not affect you but these are also very important in the making of India as the next Knowledge superpower. Let’s discuss these remaining things.

The government will be helping and encouraging high performing Indian Universities to set up campuses in other countries and several top Universities from around the world will be facilitated by the government to set-up their campuses in India. It will bring more opportunities to the students. The investment in the Education sector has been increased from 1.7% to 6% of the total GDP. It will bring a lot of difference to everybody in the educational sector.

In addition to that, the government is keen to establish a National Research Foundation (NRF), the main aim of NRF will be to enable a culture of research through universities. It will be governed by the best researchers and innovators in their fields. Definitely one of the coolest decisions that will provide students with new objectives and encourage them to come up with new ideas. A 4-year integrated B.Ed degree will be mandatory for the teachers to teach in any primary school. It will definitely increase the standard of teachers and better teachers will lead to better students.

The government also planned to help the college dropouts who left their education due to various reasons, now colleges and universities will provide multiple exit and entry, credit storage and credit transfer facilities. You know what that means; if a person leaves the college after the first or second year due to any reason, and after a few years if they decide to complete their education, guess what they don’t have to start from the beginning. Their credits from the years they studied will be stored and then they can begin right from where they dropped out. Amazing isn’t it? Your efforts will not be wasted anymore. National Institute for Open Schooling (NIOS) will be developing high-quality Indian Sign language. There will be a free boarding facility for the students belonging to socio-economy disadvantaged backgrounds at schools.

After seeing all of this you will be wondering which section government forgot to mention in this policy. Yeah, you are right, it is us the ones who are already graduated. Adults and the students who are already graduated will definitely be cursing the Government and will always envy the students who get to study with the new Education Policy of 2020 because this policy has everything we have ever wanted from the best teachers to the best tests and moreover government will also be able to govern the private schools who used to do their deeds without any restrictions so far. The next generation of students will always pity us when we get to tell them that how the education system in our times sucks and how we were not able to become NASA scientists due to the education system. Okay, that was out of line but that’s what we learned from our parents how to hype up your efforts.

Anyway, this is for the betterment of the country and the students who will be the future of our country so we should support it as better schools, better teachers, better syllabus and new ways to learn, that’s a win-win situation for students, teachers, parents and everybody else concerned. Although, it may be bad for your relatives who will not get the chance to brag about your grades anymore.

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