
What is Plagiarism?

Last Updated by Deepanshu 24-Sep-2020

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Plagiarism, a word every blogger is familiar with but many doesn’t even know what plagiarisms mean. It sounds like plaque and might also work as one for your site if not taken care of. The best things about plagiarism are it is easily avoidable and there are many tools that can help you to avoid it which we will discuss later. For now, Plagiarism might affect the ranking of your site on every search engine. It might also become the reason for permanently ban on your site by search engines. That caught your eye but nothing to worry; we need to understand what plagiarism is and then you can easily avoid it.

What is Plagiarism

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the definition for plagiarism is “the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own”. There are many other definitions of plagiarism which might say other things too but the most common plagiarism meaning will be when you try to copy someone’s ideas or work and call it your own, that is plagiarism. It can be termed as an online fraud too because both stealing and lying about it involves in plagiarism.

The representation of someone else’s hard work, dedication, ideas, expressions and everything they put into it as your own is morally ill but it happens. A blogger might be doing so much to attract an audience to their site while others might just be stealing their work and getting the audience to their site without even doing any work. It is like copying your friend’s notebook in a test and placing your notebook above theirs so that when the teacher checks the notebooks, your friend will look like the one who cheated.

Now, many people think plagiarism as borrowing or copying someone else’s ideas or work but these words (borrowing, copying) takes away the seriousness of the offense that is happening. For example, think of the greatest scientist “Mr. Nikola Tesla”, he was the inventor of many such technologies that were stolen by other scientists. He didn’t even get credit for those inventions even though he put up all the hard work to design those. A classic case of plagiarism, he got nothing for his hard work while others reap the fruits of the trees he has sown.

Now, for instance, you might be thinking that you have no intention of using plagiarism on your website but it still might occur and to understand that let’s understand different types of plagiarism.

Different types of plagiarism

The plagiarism might be coined in so many different types as it has different meanings in different fields.  But the most common types are listed

Direct plagiarism: It is word to word copying of someone else’s work or a part of their work without even giving them any credit or attribution. This is the worst case of plagiarism; it is like stealing some one’s work and also ripping the credits which are due to them. Just like the Nikola Tesla example, we have already discussed it.  This is basically termed as online theft.

Self-plagiarism: It is like stealing someone’s work or ideas and then re-writing them in your own words, claiming it to be yours. For example, think of a student who copies homework from other students and to avoid the teacher’s suspicion, he just re-phrases those lines. The student who copies might trick their teacher but online, there are many ways to find the plagiarism in your work.  

Accidental plagiarism: It happens when you unintentionally write something that someone else has already written. You might come across this one very often because there is so much content online and everything you write might already be available online. For example, a food blogger might write a recipe thinking it is unique but someone might have already tried and done it before them. So, that will be accidental plagiarism, one might not be aware of the plagiarism they are doing but that doesn’t mean it will not affect them.

So, these are the most common types of plagiarism and we need to avoid all types to get the best results possible. So let’s move on to how to avoid it.

How to avoid Plagiarism

One of the best ways to avoid plagiarism is to avoid reading or thinking about copying somebody else’s work. Yes, you need to read other’s work for research as no one knows everything but read it in a way to get an idea about the same not literally copying their work. It might not be your fault as the human brain works in mysterious ways and it will automatically grasp the idea which might result in plagiarism later. So, if you read somebody’s work ad like something, make sure to give them credit in your work. That way it won’t hurt them too.

The second thing you can do is find a topic that you have knowledge about, that way you will be able to avoid any unintentional copying of content from others.

The third is to check for plagiarism in everything you write and willing to post online. For that you are in luck, there are many plagiarism checkers online, you can just type plagiarism check on your search engine and it will find you thousands of results and when you put your content for the check. These plagiarism detectors will provide you with a proper plagiarism report evaluating every aspect of your content. Now, you can easily remove plagiarism that way.

How plagiarism affect your content

As we have already said at the start, Plagiarism works like a plaque. If one of your much content has plagiarism and you ignore it. It may affect your whole content, the search engines are very intelligent now and it isn’t the same as your class teachers. It will definitely find out about it and ignore your content in the search results even if you have done everything else alright.

Another thing might be copyright strikes on your content. If an author finds out that you are copying their content and decides to file a copyright complaint against you, it will affect your SEO. After too many strikes, the search engines might also block you from their results. So, it will be better to give credit to the author if you like something and wants it on your content.


Whether it is intentional or unintentional plagiarism, it is categorized as digital theft. So, one must avoid it at any cost. Now we have discussed all the major aspects of plagiarism and you have understood it. So it is your duty to find any plagiarism in your content and make it right or better avoid it.

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